UMDIS` friends Australian Mushroom Growers Association invites you to
This year marks the 45th AMGA Conference, and we are excited to announce our partnership with the New Zealand Commercial Mushroom Growers Federation and Meadow Mushrooms, to host the event in Auckland, New Zealand.
Join us for the AU + NZ Mushroom Growers Conference 2024, welcoming delegates from around the world for a fantastic three-day conference event, including farm tours, international guest speakers, Australian researchers, an exhibition, and two exciting networking events.
The conference farm tour takes us to Mercer Mushrooms, with an exciting ADDITIONAL tour option for Australian and international delegates, who can opt for an all-inclusive trip from Auckland to Christchurch, to tour Meadow Mushrooms.
STRONGER TOGETHER, AMGA invites you to join the AU+NZ Mushroom Growers Conference in Auckland, New Zealand from 22nd to 24th October, with an additional tour option to Christchurch, Friday October 25.

The Conference goes on in New Zealand – it is a perfect chance to see this amazingly beautiful country!
As you want to be a Guest or Sponsor – contact
leah.bramich@amga.asn.au |
If you are in Europe and need some additional info/advise etc you can ask UMDIS inna.ustilovskaja@gmail.com.