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Schedule for UMDIS Mushroom Growing Course: February 11–13, 2025 at FUNGUS S.C., Poland


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Schedule for UMDIS Mushroom Growing Course: February 11–13, 2025 at FUNGUS S.C., Poland

UMDIS Mushroom Agency invites mushroom growers, farm owners, managers, and those planning to cultivate button mushrooms on a commercial scale to participate in our Mushroom Growing Course. This hands-on course will take place at FUNGUS S.C., Wioska 2, 64308, Poland, and will be led by Wojtek Konieczny, a mushroom cultivation expert with over 20 years of experience.

Monday, 10th February

11:00 – Visit to Hajduk composting facility producing Phase 4 compost

8:30 – Visit to the compost yard: where it all starts. Introduction to the course, short farm walk.

  • Raw materials and mixing
  • Fermentation and pasteurization
  • Incubation, check inside the tunnel

10:00 – Meeting at the farm. First farm walk:

  • Touch and see, analyze
  • Rooms before airing – how and when to start
  • Pinning stage – how to manage next week’s first flush
  • Picking rooms
  • Computer settings

10:30 – Coffee break

11:00 – Presentations, discussion, questions: “Mycelium run and watering schedules”

13:00 – Lunch

13:30 – Another farm walk

15:00 – Visit to the farm in Rakoniewice: growing brown mushrooms

16:00 – Summary of the day

8:30 – Meeting at the farm, start with the farm walk:

  • What has changed since yesterday
  • Checking the influence of changed setting points
  • Quality climate during picking
  • How to improve evaporation during picking

10:00 – Coffee break

10:30 – Presentations: “Airing, getting a good first flush, and managing the next flushes”

12:30 – Lunch

13:00 – Farm walk

15:00 – Visit to the farm in Rakoniewice: browns

  • Differences in cultivation, watering on mushrooms

16:00 – Summary of the day

8:30 – Filling the room. Visit to the farm in Rakoniewice:

  • Setting up the machine
  • What to look for

9:30 – Farm walk at Wioska:

  • Do we have the right setup for next week
  • End of the flush, preparation for watering

10:30 – Coffee break

11:00 – Presentations: “Filling the room and hygiene on the farm”

13:00 – Lunch

13:30 – Farm walk

15:00 – Summary and closing of the course

Why Join This Course?

This course offers participants practical knowledge and hands-on experience in all aspects of button mushroom cultivation. You’ll learn how to achieve high yields of over 30kg/m² and improve the overall efficiency of your farm. Additionally, you’ll get the chance to network with other growers and experts from around the world. You will also get presentations and handouts from our supporters Christaens Group, Growtime engineering and Agro-Projects.

How to Register

Interested in joining the course? Register by filling this form or contact UMDIS Mushroom Agency on Facebook. Don’t miss out—spaces are limited to 15 participants!


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