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About North American Mushroom Conference, ISMS and mushroom business in US. Everything in one publication


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About North American Mushroom Conference, ISMS and mushroom business in US. Everything in one publication

26th North American Mushroom Conference and the 20th Congress International Society for Mushroom Science took place on 26-29th of February in JW Marriott hotel in Las Vegas, USA.

Two events (ISMS & NAMC) in one gathered more than 500 participants.

In 2024 – American mushroom market is growing. It feels good after banning of canned import of mushrooms from Europe (however some producers start complaining on Canadian mushrooms import). American industry is still characterised by Phase 2 domination, large amount of mushrooms are grown on wooden shelves, flies remain as one of the major problems, labour shortage hurts a lot, as a reason of lighter casing than in Europe number of farms tend to have lighter mushrooms. As well the competition between the farms is growing. The requirements for mushroom quality on the market go up. The margin is smaller and smaller.

In US they tend to have quantity focus more than quality, the yield can be up to 40 kg per m2 what is achieved mostly by putting more compost on the shelf. Another feature is a tendency to have very old growing rooms and very modern packing house.


In US we see developing of  very promising ideas of using mushroom mycelium for supplements, plant  bacon, leather, furniture, packaging etc.

Among the speakers were Dr. Shiuan Chen, Dr. Eoin O’Connor, Dr. Lynn Rothschild, Gavin McIntyre, Ecovative, John Pecchia, PennState, Helen Grogan, Teagasc, Michael Kertesz, University of Sydney, Dr. Ralph Noble, Jim Angelucci, Phillips Mushroom Farms, Phil Coles, Lehigh University, Ed Herr, Herr Foods Incorporated, Cathy Burns, International Fresh Produce Association, Anne-Marie Roerink, President, 201 Analytics, Lucinda Williams, Hazel Dell Mushrooms, Pete Gray, Phillips Mushrooms, Eric Rose, River Valley Ranch.

The most popular were the topics of harvesting automation, of peat alternatives, diseases control, sustainability, alternative mycelium usage and others.

UMDIS Mushroom Agency made for you number of interviews – so you can learn about everything first hand.


In this video Rachel Roberts, President of American Mushroom Institute and organiser of NAMC, North American Mushroom Conference talkes about

  • the Conference,
  • number of participants,
  • important topics for American mushroom market nowadays
  • month when the next Conference will be organised.


In this video Greg Seymour, President of International Society for Mushroom Science tells us about ISMS Congress in Las Vegas in 2024.

He mentiones the most prominent topics.

Greg tells where is possible to listen presentations after the Congress.


In this video John Pecchia from Penn State University tells about scientific researches in US for mushroom business. In US science works close with mushroom producers helping them to overcome majour problems like flies, diseases, labour shortage, technology of production improvement.

Recently they got 7 mln grant for a research project for mushroom industry.

As well John tells about the industry development and issues nowadays in US.


John J. D’amico and Bryan Zunino from JD Mushroom farm in US which supplies mushrooms for fresh market and situated in Pennsylvaania – tell UMDIS how business goes in America for mushrooms.

  • Market is slow
  • Production is up
  • Gas cost
  • Inflation
  • Phase 2 future in US


About mushroom compost in US nowadays tells Carlos Tenorio, from compost producer HMR Associates.

He explaines about Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 devision.

And gives his opinion about Phases transition in US in the nearest years.


Kyle Garrone in California grows 10 varieties of exotic mushrooms.

Why they produce substrate by themselves?

How they promote exotic mushrooms and dishes with them in their mushroom cafe in California?

Is there a competition between mushroom producers from California and others?


Soon UMDIS Mushroom Agency will publish interviews with exhibitors – who tell you their experience on American mushroom market.

Enjoy the photo gallery from NAMC and ISMS

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