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VEC 41 by DMP Climate computer. Climate control in mushroom complexes and compost production


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VEC 41 by DMP Climate computer. Climate control in mushroom complexes and compost production

In this article we will briefly go through the advantages of one of the top computers for climate control in mushroom and compost production. We are talking about a climate control system based on the VEC 41 controller from DMP from the Netherlands.

The first climate control computers VEC (short for VECIAP Expandable Computer) were introduced to the market by the company in the early 1980s. The company was then called VECIAP.

At this time, the advantages of automated climate control in mushroom production became obvious and accessible, and the new computer was designed to fill this niche. Over the decades since then, the computer has naturally gone through many upgrades, and its modern version, VEC 41, is capable of fully automated climate control in mushroom complexes and composting plants.

VEC 41 computers are installed in hundreds of mushroom production facilities around the world and consistently receive the most positive feedback.

Among the many advantages of the system and the differences of the system, it will first be important to highlight the following:

  • The computer was initially developed and modernized as a device for climate control specifically on mushroom complexes.
  • VEC 41 is a universal controller capable of controlling the climate both in mushroom growing rooms and managing the production of Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 compost. This approach makes it possible to significantly simplify the operation of the system and minimize the number of spare and replacement parts.
  • VEC 41 uses specialized 4-wire PT100 temperature sensors connected by polyurethane insulated cables. Such sensors allow you to completely avoid the calibration process, since they are independent of the length of the cables and their condition (except for complete breakage)

A distinctive feature of the VEC 41 computer-based climate control system is the concept of using a separate controller for each controlled object. This increases the reliability of the system, but the price remains competitive.

The VEC 41 controller comes in a waterproof stainless-steel case with touch screen control and can be used as a standalone device.

In turn, the climate control system for an entire mushroom complex consisting of many growing rooms is a corresponding number of VEC 41 controllers interconnected by CAN-bus. For compost production, you will need a corresponding number of computers corresponding to the number of bins in Phase 1 and tunnels in Phase 2 and Phase 3.

The same system includes additional devices and sensors, such as an external weather station, a CO2 and O2 measurement system, and an additional VEC 41 computer for controlling the central air conditioning unit or exhaust system.

Once again, we note an important difference from many other controllers on the market: VEC 41 is a device that can be used to control both a room for growing mushrooms, a bunker or tunnel in a composting plant, and a central climate control unit.

 When controlling the climate in mushroom rooms, depending on the customer’s needs, absolute humidity or relative humidity can be used. When control is carried out based on absolute humidity, the system is equipped with additional sensors that measure the state of incoming air and its quantity to be included in the calculations.

The computer is configured to control the humidity in the growing rooms using different types of humidification – steam humidification, high-pressure adiabatic humidifiers, automatic floor watering.

An external climate station allows each of the computers connected to the network to use the parameters of external air to determine the most economical modes of using fresh air to achieve the specified parameters in the growing rooms.

The VEC 43 CO2 measurement system is a separate module that allows you to read CO2 readings from 8 or 18 growing rooms with a measurement range from 0 to 5000ppm (optional 10.000ppm or with a 2nd sensor for even higher levels). The CO2 measurement system, like the computers themselves, is supplied in a waterproof stainless steel case, guaranteeing many years of safe operation.

An important difference between VEC 41 computers and many competitors is the presence of built-in control of automatic watering in growing rooms. Watering can be divided into zones, and a centralized water scheduler is used to avoid watering multiple grow rooms at the same time (and therefore running out of power at the water supply pumps).

Each VEC 41 computer is housed in a weatherproof stainless steel box, typically located next to the grow room (or bunker or tunnel) and controlled via a touch screen. But general control of the system can be carried out from a personal computer, which is connected through a special Communication Interface Unit. For this purpose, DMP has developed a very convenient and intuitive software – Process Monitor. Using the program, the operator or technologist monitors and controls the climate control systems of all growing rooms (or bunkers or tunnels in a compost production). Changes made through the touch panel of the VEC 41 devices themselves are quickly displayed on the central computer, and vice versa – changes made from the central computer are quickly transferred to the VEC 41 controllers.

The software is available in ten languages, but other interface languages can be added if necessary.

To reduce implementation time and increase system reliability, DMP offers customers ready-to-use central personal computers with all the necessary settings and a pre-installed Process Monitor program. Such computers can also be equipped with touch screens, the controls from which are also supported by software.

The process Monitor has a very extensive graphing module that allows you to easily make analyses. You can also easily use a graphing module on the VEC41.

General control of the system can also carry out via the Internet, by connecting to a central control computer. And adapting the interface for touch control allows you to remotely control the system not only from PCs and laptops, but also from mobile devices – tablets and smartphones.

Individual alarm messages are sent from the alarm dialer to your smartphone. DMP is the first supplier to have linked a process computer to the alarm dialler via Octalarm Link. See also https://dutchmushroom.nl/news/dmp-vec-can-now-trigger-network-controlled-alarms-with-octalarm-touch-pro/

Standard software updates for the central computer and VEC 41 controllers are provided by DMP at no additional charge. The company’s specialists can also update the software using remote access.

Actuators, valves, frequency converters and other devices used by the mushroom complex are connected to the outputs of the VEC 41 computer using standard interfaces, and thus almost all actuators on the market can be connected.

The DMP automatic climate control system based on VEC 41 controllers represents one of the best solutions on the market, recognized by hundreds of mushroom farms around the world. Reliability proven over decades of operation of earlier versions, flexibility and simplicity, convenient interface adapted to touch control, built-in irrigation control and many other positive qualities make this system an indispensable tool in achieving high results.

The computerized climate control system based on VEC 41 controllers is one of the main products in the DMP product line, which also includes the design and development of mushroom complexes, climate systems for mushroom and compost production, shelving, doors, collection carts, and other products. You can read more about the company’s products here https://new.umdis.org/design-construction-climate-control-racks-lorries-computers-offers-dutch-mushroom-project-the-supplier-with-huge-experience/

For further information, to request a quote for computer systems or to request spare parts, please contact Jo Kluijtmans


Jo Kluijtmans, Computer & Aftersales Manager

T. +31 (0)77 398 5525 – ext 208

Email: jkluijtmans@dutchmushroom.nl


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