UMDIS Mushroom Agency asked Leslie Codd about 2023 year for Irish mushroom sector.
Leslie Codd is Managing Director Codd Mushrooms farm – which supplies mushrooms just to Irish market and whose farm is one of the largest in the country.
- Top-important thing for 2023 in Ireland
The most important thing in 2023 for Irish mushroom business was I think converting to renewable energy and away from fossil fuels. That is critical for both keeping your cost of power cost under control and to demonstrate to your customers that you are reducing your carbon footprint.
- Top-important thing for 2024 in Ireland
The most important investment to make in the next 3-5 years in Ireland will be automation. Labour costs and shortage of manpower is a huge issue in Ireland. Our minimum wage rate has just risen by over 12%. Even if supermarkets supported growers and passed on price increases every year to cover the additional cost of labour, we would soon be in a situation that mushrooms would be too expensive and buyers would choose a lower cost vegetable instead.
You can watch Video Farm Tour to Irish farm Codd Mushrooms here
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