Today, November 4, UMDIS Mushroom Information agency started regular courses for mushroom growers. The group consists of beginners who plan to enter the mushroom business. We conduct courses online. The group is up to 10 people, so everyone has the opportunity to ask questions, talk to UMDIS about what is needed for him.Course lecturer is Maksym Yenchenko, Director of UMDIS Mushroom Information Agency. His experience in mushroom growing is 15 years, he managed the largest mushroom farm in Ukraine, Veres, consulted and launched dozens of mushroom farms in Eastern Europe. He is also Amycel company representative in Ukraine.
The courses will last eight days.
The course program includes the following questions
Mushrooms as a separate kingdom
Growing mushrooms as a business, its profitability now, how to make money from it
Construction and equipment of mushroom farm. A mushroom farm in already existed building.
Shelving, lighting, ventilation, equipment.
Compost and casing soil
Principles of controlikng the climate in mushroom cultivation, climatic installations
Disinfection of mushroom growing rooms
Preparation of the growing rooms and loading of compost
Overview of the mushroom growing process. Cycle, stages
Climatic parameters at each stage
Control of spawn growing
Mushroom picking. Picking organization and selective picking
Storage of mushrooms
Disease control. Spread of infections. Methods of prevention and control of diseases on mushroom farms.
We at UMDIS provide courses for farms that are just entering mushroom business – or have 30+ years of experience. We have been training mushroom growers for 10 years.
If you want to take part in the next UMDIS courses (ONLINE or LIVE) – put yourself by this link and we will tell you when your group starts: -umdys/
Or write to me in Viber/WhatsApp/Telegram: +380935690941.If you want to take part in the next UMDIS courses (ONLINE or LIVE) – put yourself by this link and we will tell you when your group starts: -umdys/
Or write to me in Viber/WhatsApp/Telegram: +380935690941.