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CNC Holding celebrated 70 years. Interview with CEO of CNC Eric Van Asselt


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70 years ago, was founded CNC – in present known as CNC Holding, the largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world mushroom compost producer. The company has 13% market share among growers in Europe. Every week they use 10.000 tons of horse manure to produce compost which is sold to the whole Europe starting from Netherlands, Belgium, Germany – as well as to US, Canada, South America, Israel, Saud Arabia, Cyprus and other countries.

CNC Holding has five production facilities: in Milsbeek and Moerdijk in the Netherlands they produce compost for agaricus mushrooms, in Hedel and Heerewaarden – substrate for exotic mushrooms. And phase III compost for agaricus at Holpol-Compost in Gosciejewo in Poland.

Production capacity of CNC is – 9000 tones of compost for agaricus mushrooms in Netherlands, and 750 tones of phase 3 compost in Poland in a week.

The turnover of all CNC Holding expects to be 110 million Euro this year.

In occasion of CNC 70 years birthday UMDIS agency remembers some most important moments in the history of this huge Dutch compost supplier.

On 20th of November 1953 was founded Cooperative of Dutch mushroom producers – the Cooperatieve Nederlandse Champignontelersvereniging – with eight members. That time they just wanted to buy together raw materials and sell mushrooms. But in some years the cooperative grew to non-official body representing the interests of Dutch mushroom producers, as well as one of research and innovations` centre.

1961 – the casing production of CNC was founded.

1970s – CNC became also able to collect and use its own horse manure due to AMCO company establishing – which is now the part of CNC Holding. CNC collects horse manure from 1200 centres nowadays.

1971 – CNC produced 1 000 000 tons of compost. And had 1200 members at that time.

1990s – relocation of Phase 1 compost production from Milsbeek to Moerdijk.

13th of April 2018 – opening of Indoor Fresh Compost facility in Milsbeek – the great step in sustainability of the mushroom compost production in the world. Factory was opened by Dutch King – His Majesty King Willem-Alexander.

1st of November 2019 – CEO of CNC became Eric Van Asselt who brought to the company fresh ideas and view “from above” as he was previously involved in other food industries. He operates the company as it was his own, and from the other hand has a cool mind, focusing on things which are essential for development.

November 2019 – cooperative members agreed to sell the company.

9 december 2020– CNC Holding was acquired by investment company Sun European Partners, LLP. It made the company focus on its main business – production of compost for growing mushrooms.

July 2022 – the casing division of CNC Holding was sold to Legro Mushroom Casing Solutions BV.

2022 – founding of CNC Exotic Mushrooms new factory. The new owner of CNC finds it promising to further develop exotic division – so it was an easy decision to build a new factory. Just before the takeover by Sun, CNC already decided to buy 100% of the company. Now in CNC Exotic Mushrooms is produced 250 tonnes of exotic mushrooms substrate a week.

The mission of CNC Holding now is to produce and supply the mushroom producers worldwide with stable substrate of consistently high quality.

The slogan now widely shared by CNC is “Circular Natural Compost” which means sustainability of the whole compost production process as well as relationships within the company and with the clients.

Lots of attention Eric Van Asselt pays now to non-food ideas developing – like supplements, medicine based on mushrooms as well as materials, textile on mushroom spawn.

Below we publish the interview which UMDIS agency made with Eric Van Asselt, CEO of CNC Holding – on the occasion of CNC 70 years.

For compost requires please contact

Marco Peeters

+31(0)6 53188964

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