
Global mushroom news and trainings worldwide

Global mushroom news and trainings


Category: Video

That is how mushrooms are grown, watered, harvested on the mushroom farm in USA – VIDEO

That is how mushrooms are grown, watered, harvested on the mushroom farm in USA. Want to grow mushrooms? Visit this page for ordering consulting https://umdis.org/umdis-growing-consultant-iurie-boiciuc/ or ask UMDIS Mushroom Agency, we teach for 12 years +48577253132. Want to grow mushrooms?

How a mushroom farm increased the yield by 25%

The 59 seconds story – How a mushroom farm increased the yield by 25% – just with Harvesting You will get learn that during the only one in Europe Mushroom Harvesting Course 16-18 of September in Poland +48577253132 whatsapp –

Video of AMGA – Future of Casing Report Symposium, 2024

The AMGA Future of Casing Symposium was held prior to the ISMS Congress and NAMC Conference in Nevada, Las Vegas, 25 February 2024. The symposium presented the findings of the 'Future of Casing - Review of Casing Materials and Availability

Video tour to the Baltic Champ mushroom farm and compost yard

Baltic Champ is the largest mushroom farm in the Baltic countries. To be precise - 4 mushroom farms. In total, these 4 mushroom farms have 35,000. m2 of own mushroom cultivation area. Baltic Champignons employs 550 people.

Why American mushroom producers want to renovate and build the farms with Dutch Mushroom Projects?

UMDIS Mushroom Agency during North American Mushroom Conference 2024 asked Ron Hegger from DMP – Why American mushroom farmers choose DMP so often when they need shelving, air handling units, computers, new farm building, as well as compost tunnels? And

“Online Exhibition” from North American Mushroom Conference 2024. Get to know

UMDIS Mushroom Agency preparied for you the video recordings with most of exhibitors of North American Mushroom Conference in February 2024.

20 000 m2 is Christiaens production facility. See it

You know about Christiaens a lot. In this video Roland tells things which you did not expect - for example how many people they employ, in which industries Christiaens is active besides of mushrooms, in which countires they have clients...

Dutch Mushroom Projects built a mushroom farm in Austria. Video

Dutch Mushroom Projects BV, the Dutch general contractor as well supplier of equipment, control computers for mushroom business, recently finished a mushroom project in Austria. Frutura Obst & Gemüse Kompetenzzentrum GmbH now has new rooms, climate systems, computers VEC41 and

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