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Are you looking for a job on a mushroom farm?

Mushroom farms are hiring!

Mushroom picker

70% of staff at a mushroom farm are mushroom harvesters (pickers). Hand-picking of mushrooms is not an easy job, but it it paid well when you have some experience and reach speed.
Often farms provide accomodation to their workers.


There are a lot of jobs at mushroom farm that are not harvesting. Moving boxes, filling and emptying growing rooms, desinfection, work in a packaging department.


If you have experience in mushroom harvesting you can apply for superviser position. On this position you will manage a work of mushroom pickers, check their results and help them to fulfill the orders.

Mushroom picker

about the job

Mushroom picker

Good quality mushrooms must been picked manually. This is why mushroom picker work is one of the most important on mushroom farms.

How it's paid

Usually picker gets specified amount per kg of harvested mushrooms. But minimum salary, established by goverment, always guaranteed.

Hours and weekends

In some days it can be less work, in others - more. Usually farmers try to fit hours of work to not exeed 8-hours work day, but this isn't always possible. So in some days you can be asked to work more, if you want.
Weekends depend on farm schedule. Not always farms ready to provide day-offs on Saturdays or Sundays.

How hard the work is

Harvester work demand quite a lot movements. The better farm equipped the easier the work is. After technique of harvesting learned, the work becomes not as hard.


Many farms across the EU are prividing accomodation fro their workers near the farm for moderate amount or even for free.

Mushroom farm worker

about the job


There are plenty of jobs at mushroom farm that are not mushroom harvesting. Like filling and emptying the rooms, moving boxes etc.

How it's paid

Most farms have piecework wages. But minimum salary, established by goverment, always guaranteed.

Hours and weekends

In some days it can be less work, in others - more. Usually farmers try to fit hours of work to not exeed 8-hours work day, but this isn't always possible. So in some days you can be asked to work more, if you want.
Weekends depend on farm schedule. Not always farms ready to provide day-offs on Saturdays or Sundays.

How hard the work is

Most of the work on modern farm are not very demanding to phisical conditions. If you healthy in general usually you will be able to do the work.


Many farms across the EU are prividing accomodation fro their workers near the farm for moderate amount or even for free.

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