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Christiaens Group – is a global leader in providing innovative solutions for mushroom farms and composting yards. They were also the first in the market to have all disciplines within the company, covering everything from engineering and construction to implementation and service.
Agro-Projects is experts in the technologically advanced design of facilities for the industrial cultivation of mushrooms. The company helps new clients to design and build their mushroom farms and compost yards from scratch, and for clients already in the industry Agro-Projects offers many effective and modern technological solutions.
GrowTime specializes in manufacturing durable & efficient picking lorries/trolleys for mushroom farms.
Electric as well as hydraulic which, thanks to their solutions and high quality, increase the efficiency of harvesting and the profitability of mushroom farms. GrowTime also offers aluminum shelving, lighting, growing nets, scales, knives and other
Dutch Mushroom Projects DMP is a specialized turnkey projects supplier to the mushroom industry. DMP develops, manufactures and supplies equipment as well as innovative VEC computer and software control systems for compost sites and mushroom farms worldwide.
StePacPPC is a global leader in sustainable modified atmosphere packaging solutions for shelf-life extension and reduction of waste in the fresh produce supply chain. With over 25 years of experience, the company has manufacturing facilities in Israel and the USA and distributors in over 23 countries globally. Since 2023, StePacPPC has been part of PPC Flexible Packaging LLC, a premier flexible packaging manufacturer in North America.
Ribbstyle is a manufacturer, installer and international supplier of professional coatings for several industries. We have been offering customized solutions for each project for more than 35 years! Our RibbStyle’s moisture- and vapourtight coatings ensure a complete control of the climate in humid environments, prevent contamination, are resistant to high temperatures and protect your construction. We have the right knowledge and expertise for the proper treatment of your compost tunnels and cultivation rooms.
Scully Grower Supplies is a family run business with over 50 years’ experience in the Mushroom Industry as both growers and suppliers. The company specialises in worldwide delivery of aluminium shelving, growing room software sensors, check-weigh harvester scales, growing nets, chemicals, nematodes and all general mushroom farm supplies.