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Global mushroom news and trainings


Tag: Romania

Why champignon farms become oyster farms? Visit to Bispora Trade in Romania

In Romania we visited oyster farm Bispora Trade. It has 6 modern growing rooms. Mushrooms here are grown on the racks (actually usual champignon racks), there are control computers, climate control systems. Bispora Trade started to operate in 2014 as

In Romania: price, demand, electricity

In Romania yesterday two mushroom producers from different parts of Romania informed UMDIS agency that the demand for mushrooms is decreasing. “All clients, supermarkets start order less mushrooms,” – tells one producer. Explaining that mushroom went into the competition with

How to grow organic mushrooms on the market that does not need them? Video interview with the farm

In this interview, Valentin Popa, the owner of a bio-mushroom farm in Romania, talks about his farm and the challenges of growing organic mushrooms in Romania in interview with Maksym Yenchenko. He started the farm in 2015 after accessing EU

Why mushrooms? Easy! – visit to Ciupercaria Golo, Romanian mushroom farm

Adrian Golovatei is one of the most cheerful and smiley mushroom producer that we ever have met. He is the owner of the mushroom farm Ciupercaria Golo near Mures, Romania. “Ciupercaria” means «mushroom» in Romanian, and “Golo” is the beginning

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