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Tag: mushroom farm codd mushrooms

Watch Video Farm Tour to Irish farm Codd Mushrooms (article 2 from 5)

In July UMDIS Mushroom Information Agency made a farm tour in Ireland, sponsored by JFMcKenna, the first farm that we visited was Codd Mushrooms. Codd Mushroom farm grows white button mushrooms. It is a family-owned mushroom farm with a very

About peat, production cost, demand in Ireland. 2022 is the most difficult year for mushroom growers during 30 years

Codd Mushrooms supplies 50%+ of all mushrooms consumed in Ireland. The farm's clients are Tesco, Aldi, Dunnes stores, Supervalu, BWG, as well as the catering sector. Codd Mushrooms offers white and brown mushrooms, sliced ​​white mushrooms and white mushroom caps,

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