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Global mushroom news and trainings


Tag: German Mushroom Producers

What German mushroom producers discuss?

This time 75 Annual Mushroom Conference of German mushroom producers (Jahrestagung des BDC) organised by Bund Deutscher Champignon- und Kulturpilzanbauer e.V. (BDC) took place in Heilbronn, Germany on 28-30 of September 2023. The Conference consisted of German association meeting, The

BDC in Germany organises 75 Annual Mushroom Conference 28-30 of September

On September 28-30 in Germany takes place a large Mushroom Conference organised by Bund Deutscher Champignon- und Kulturpilzanbauer e.V. The event takes place in Heilbronn, Parkhotel Heilbronn which is now full-booked – showing that event is large. That is 75

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