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Global mushroom news and trainings worldwide

Global mushroom news and trainings

Дни Индийского Грибоводства 2024


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The India Mushroom Days have expanded significantly this year. After the success of the inaugural India Mushroom Summit 2023, the organizers are eager to build on that momentum. Scheduled to commence on October 4, India Mushroom Days 2024 will take place in New Delhi. This year, many international companies are expected to join local players in the mushroom industry, enhancing the collaborative spirit of the event.

The lineup of speakers at the conference has also seen considerable growth, showcasing a diverse range of expertise. Among the  gold sponsors for this year’s event are Agro-Project and Christiaens, both respected companies from Europe. Additionally, the event receives support from other European companies, including DMP and Vierrebi.

Among the speakers are Dr. Manjit Singh, former Director of the ICAR-Directorate of Mushroom Research; Magda Verfaillie, founder of Mycelia from Belgium; Daniel Motshwane, founder of Afrique Rising Trading; Diego Zied, a leading mushroom science researcher; Andre Marjanowski, Mushroom Cultivation Consultant; Daniel Dajewski, founder of Agro-Projects; Mustafa Soylu, a mushroom researcher at The Ataturk Horticultural Central; Bart Aert from Fancom; and Ron Hegger, Managing Director of DMP, among others.


Although Greg Seymour, President of the International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS), was initially announced as a speaker, he has informed UMDIS that he will be unable to attend due to an urgent matter.

India Mushroom Days 2024 is set to explore the growing potential of the mushroom industry in India, which boasts a population of 1.5 billion people but currently has a low per capita consumption of mushrooms. The event aims to foster meaningful connections among industry stakeholders while highlighting new opportunities for innovation and collaboration in mushroom cultivation.

This gathering represents a unique chance for attendees to engage with experts, exchange ideas, and explore advancements in mushroom technology and market trends in India. The theme of this year’s event, “From Farm to Future,” invites participants to consider how mushrooms can positively impact agriculture and contribute to sustainable practices.

As we look toward the future of mushroom cultivation, India Mushroom Days 2024 promises to be a valuable experience for anyone interested in the field.

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