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Mushroom business in Columbia


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Mushroom business in Columbia


After that you have 3 farms that prepare between 50 and 80 tonnes of Phase 2 compost weekly and those farms are the ones that are making the investments. They want to start the change in order to have more technological processes, starting with the materials for build the growing rooms, aliminium shelves, watering trees, pulling and emptying winches, nets and all the basic technology to fill and emptying a growing rooms. One of this farms buy a blocking machine.

So Colombian farms starting to make the change from its old fashioned growing methods to standard Dutch system, it will be slow or not depending on compost quality and knowledge to handle the compost and get its potential to have the best possible yields of fresh mushrooms. I think this is the main change that 2023 left us for our country.

The answer for the second question is that for 2024, maybe for the next 5 years and beyond the investments to get modern farms and processes will continue, with this new technology comes the learning process, how to use this new technology and get its bigger potential? each farm will have their own formula, here in Colombia is not quite big collaboration between colleages, it has changing little bit, in my case I have contact with almost all the people that is involved in the mushroom business in my country and everyone of us are making our own compost and have our own recipe to grow mushrooms. For the next years the farms that are making investments will be learning how to manage the new technology and some other farms are destined to stay with their always technology and time will tell which survive or which not.


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